There are two main ways to look at what’s inside a Christian church. Literally, the inside of a church building will typically have a sanctuary or worship space, with seating for the congregation. There may also be a baptistry, a font used for baptisms, and an altar or communion table, used for the Lord’s Supper.
Christian churches are also places where people gather for worship, fellowship, and service. Worship services typically include singing hymns, praying, listening to a sermon, and participating in the sacraments. Fellowship involves spending time with other Christians, getting to know each other, and building relationships. Service refers to the ways that Christians help others in their community and around the world.
To delve deeper into this concept, theologians turn to ecclesiology, the study of the church itself. Its name comes from the Greek word “ekklesia,” meaning “assembly” or “gathering.” This focus on people as the core, not the building, aligns with the very meaning of the word church.
Ecclesiology explores various aspects of the church, including its definition, purpose, and biblical metaphors. It emphasizes the importance of unity among believers on core truths, highlighting the interconnectedness that forms the heart of the Christian Church.

What Constitutes the Christian Church?
In its infancy, the Christian church lacked physical structures, at least not in the conventional sense of contemporary church edifices. Early Christians of the first century frequently faced persecution, thus necessitating clandestine gatherings, typically within domestic settings. With the expansion of Christianity’s influence, dedicated places of worship emerged, evolving into the modern concept of churches. Thus, the essence of the church resides in its people, not its physical constructs. Fellowship, worship, and ministry all stem from human interaction, rather than architectural settings. While church buildings serve to facilitate the activities of God’s people, they do not define or complete them.
One Church, Two Perspectives: Visible and Universal
The concept of “church” can be multifaceted. Theologians sometimes differentiate between the visible and local church and the invisible and universal church. The local church is what we encounter in our communities – buildings, congregations, and all. It’s the tangible expression of faith.
The invisible church, however, transcends physical boundaries. It encompasses all true believers across the globe, united by their faith in Christ, forming one church, not a collection of separate institutions. While membership in the universal church signifies genuine belief, the same can’t be guaranteed in local churches.
Understanding this distinction is crucial. It prevents us from mistaking the occasional shortcomings of visible churches for flaws in the universal church itself. Local congregations often include those who haven’t yet converted, and even believers are human, leading to imperfections and occasional tensions within these churches.
What Roles Does the Church Fulfill?
Beyond mere brick and mortar, the church embodies a collective of believers bound by a distinct purpose and essence. These fundamental biblical responsibilities or functions serve as its cornerstone. What do these entail? They are diverse, yet central to any church’s essence are pillars of worship, edification, and evangelism.
Worship revolves around God and Christ, shunning superficial spectacles for heartfelt devotion to our Creator. It’s not about captivating believers with flashy shows, but about revering and exalting God. Thus, active participation in regular fellowship and worship becomes imperative for every Christian.
Edification, too, lies within the church’s purview. It encompasses nurturing believers, fostering growth, and aiding in spiritual maturity. Thus, churches undertake various ministries including Bible study, educational pursuits, intercessory prayer, genuine hospitality, and more.
Evangelism stands as a pivotal role for the church, entailing the dissemination of the Good News to a world in need. Yet, it extends beyond mere proclamation to include defending and embodying the truth of Christ (apologetics). Moreover, alongside spreading the gospel, the church must tangibly express compassion and mercy through practical assistance. Following Christ’s example of love entails making a tangible impact on the world while remaining steadfast in sharing His message.
Failure to fulfill these cardinal roles—worship, edification, evangelism—leaves the church out of alignment with God’s purpose. While challenges may arise, a healthy church strives to surmount them in a manner that reflects God’s intentions and honors His design for His church.
Is the Church Divided or United?
The discussion around the visible and local church briefly delves into the complexities and tensions inherent within congregations. Critics often highlight the fractures and discord among Christians as indicative of a lack of cohesion and, consequently, a deficiency in the biblical foundation supporting the Christian community at large. Is this assertion valid? Admittedly, there are instances where Christians must acknowledge their imperfections and occasional divergence from Christ-like conduct.
However, taking a broader perspective reveals that the Christian church has consistently stood united on fundamental doctrinal tenets, including the existence of a personal and compassionate God, salvation attainable through Christ’s sacrificial death and resurrection, human fallenness, and the imperative for redemption through Christ. This bedrock of “mere” Christianity, comprising unassailable truths, has served to unify Christian congregations across epochs and continues to do so.